Extech RD300 Refrigerant Leak Detector

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Extech RD300 Refrigerant Leak Detector is a portable, handheld device that detects leaks in refrigerant-containing systems. It uses a heated diode sensor to detect refrigerant gases, and it has a sensitivity of 0.25 oz per year. The detector has a multi-colored LED light bar that indicates the level of leaking refrigerant, and it also has an audible alarm. The Extech RD300 is a valuable tool for HVAC/R technicians and homeowners alike.

Applications: HVAC, Refrigeration, HVAC technicians, and other professionals, etc

Extech RD300 Refrigerant Leak Detector is easy to use. Simply turn on the detector and point the sensor at the area where you suspect a leak. The detector will immediately begin detecting refrigerant gases and alert you if a leak is present. The light bar will glow green if no leaks are detected, yellow if a small leak is detected, and red if a large leak is detected. The detector also has an audible alarm that will sound when a leak is detected.

Features of Extech RD300 Refrigerant Leak Detector: 

  • Utilizes a heated diode sensor to effectively detect a broad range of standard refrigerants
  • Sensitivity of 0.25 oz per year
  • Multi-colored LED light bar
  • Audible alarm
  • Easy to use
  • Cost-effective

Additional information

Weight 1 kg


Model No


Measuring Parameters

SF6, HFC, CFC, HCFC refrigerants, halogen gas, ethylene, tetrafluoroethylene, trichloroethylene, and most other compounds containing halogen

Auto Power Off

Automatic shut off after 10 minutes

Power Supply

9V battery




280 Grams

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Extech RD300 Refrigerant Leak Detector

Extech RD300 Refrigerant Leak Detector