The Air Quality Monitor category on a webpage refers to a specific section or group of products that are designed to measure and monitor the quality of outdoor air. These monitors are typically equipped with sensors and technology that can detect various pollutants and contaminants present in the air.

In this category, you will find a range of air quality monitors that provide real-time data on parameters such as particulate matter (PM2.5 and PM10), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), ozone (O3), and other harmful gases. They may also measure environmental factors like temperature and humidity.

Air quality monitors in this category often come in different shapes and sizes, including portable handheld devices, compact units for personal use, and larger models suitable for installation in outdoor environments. Some monitors may connect to smartphone apps or online platforms, allowing users to access and analyze air quality data remotely.

The purpose of the Air Quality Monitor category is to offer individuals, researchers, environmental organizations, and policymakers with tools to assess the air quality in their surroundings. By monitoring outdoor air pollution levels, users can gain insights into the overall air quality, identify pollution sources, and take appropriate measures to protect their health and the environment.

It’s important to note that the specific features, brands, and models available in the Air Quality Monitor category may vary depending on the webpage or online store you are referring to.

Indoor and outdoor air quality monitors are designed to measure air pollution levels in different environments. Here’s a breakdown of each type:

  1. Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Monitors: These monitors are specifically designed to assess air quality within indoor spaces such as homes, offices, schools, and hospitals. They typically measure a range of parameters, including:
    • Particulate Matter (PM): IAQ monitors measure the concentration of fine particulate matter like PM2.5 and PM10, which can originate from sources such as cooking, cleaning, smoking, and outdoor pollution.
    • Carbon Dioxide (CO2): IAQ monitors track CO2 levels, which can indicate inadequate ventilation and the presence of exhaled breath from occupants. High CO2 levels can cause drowsiness, poor concentration, and decreased cognitive function.
    • Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs): These monitors detect the presence of indoor pollutants emitted by common sources like cleaning products, paints, adhesives, furniture, and building materials. Elevated VOC levels can lead to respiratory irritation and other health issues.
    • Temperature and Humidity: IAQ monitors often include sensors for temperature and humidity. Monitoring these parameters helps maintain a comfortable and healthy indoor environment, as excessive moisture can promote mold growth and high temperatures can impact occupants’ well-being.
    • Radon: Some IAQ monitors can measure radon gas levels, a naturally occurring radioactive gas that can seep into buildings from the ground. Prolonged exposure to high radon levels can increase the risk of lung cancer.
  2. Outdoor Air Quality Monitors: These monitors are designed to assess the air quality in outdoor environments, such as cities, industrial areas, and near pollution sources. They generally measure similar parameters to IAQ monitors but focus on pollutants originating from outdoor sources:
    • Particulate Matter (PM): Outdoor air quality monitors measure levels of PM2.5 and PM10, which can come from vehicle emissions, industrial processes, construction activities, and natural sources like dust and pollen.
    • Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2): These monitors detect NO2, a gas primarily emitted by combustion processes, including vehicle exhaust and power plants. Elevated NO2 levels can cause respiratory issues and contribute to the formation of smog.
    • Ozone (O3): Outdoor air quality monitors measure O3 levels, which are formed when pollutants like nitrogen oxides (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) react with sunlight. Ozone can cause respiratory problems and is a component of smog.
    • Carbon Monoxide (CO): Outdoor monitors can measure CO levels, which primarily come from vehicle exhaust and combustion processes. High CO concentrations can be harmful, leading to headaches, dizziness, and even carbon monoxide poisoning.
    • Sulfur Dioxide (SO2): These monitors detect SO2, a gas emitted by burning fossil fuels containing sulfur, such as coal and oil. SO2 can contribute to respiratory problems and acid rain formation.
  • Indoor air quality monitor

    Lutron 9904 SD Indoor Air Quality Monitor


    Lutron 9904 SD Indoor Air Quality Monitor is an ongoing recorder in which the SD Card can record three sorts of information CO2/Humidity/Temp, alongside the time data into one Excel document in the meantime. A manual datalogger is accessible which it can set the distinctive area no. ( position 1 to position 99 )

    Applications: Pharmaceutical laboratories, Food Laboratories, Universities, and for Research applications, HVAC, Agriculture, Commercial Buildings.

  • Placeholder

    Lutron GCH 2018 IAQ Monitor


    Lutron GCH-2018 IAQ Monitor gives you a chance to measure, precisely, and reasonably test CO2 levels, Temperature and Humidity around your environment. It tends to be moved from spot to place to test CO2 levels, temperature and Humidity in your environment. IAQ Monitor can uncover if your condition’s warming, ventilation and cooling framework is working appropriately.

    Applications: Houses, HVAC, Pharmaceuticals, Industries, Green house, Smart Homes, Offices etc.

  • Radon Detector and Air Quality Monitor for Home

    Radon Detector and Air Quality Monitor for Home

    Radon Detector and Air Quality Monitor for Home is a battery-operated Smart Indoor air quality monitor with 6 sensors that detect radon, Carbon dioxide (CO2), Temperature, humidity, airborne chemicals (VOCs), and pressure. This Radon Air Quality Monitor is wall-mounted and can be Ceiling mounted. The users can watch the live readings through the web dashboard or Android Application. The users can watch, compare and export the data as per specific user requirements.  This Indoor Air Quality Monitor allows users to have complete access to IAQ data and also tips to reduce indoor air hazards, optimize ventilation and save energy.

    Applications: Paint Booth, Confined Space Entry, Hazmat/Homeland Security, Industrial Hygiene and Confined Space, Airlines (wing-tank passage), Landfills, Oil and Gas, Chemical Plants, Hotels, Schools, Ambient Workplace, Indoor Air Quality Monitoring, Hospitals.

  • Extech CO100 Desktop Indoor Air Quality Monitor, IAQ Monitor

    Extech CO100 Desktop Indoor Air Quality Monitor


    Extech CO100 Desktop Indoor Air Quality Monitor measures parameters like CO2 which ranges up to 9999 ppm, temperature and humidity.

    Applications: For HVAC applications, the CO sensor is utilized to screen the nature of air and the custom-made requirement for outside air individually. Estimating CO sensor levels by implication decide what number of individuals are in a room, and ventilation can be balanced.

  • Temtop Airing-1000

    Temtop Airing-1000 Air Quality Monitor


    Temtop Airing-1000 Air Quality Monitor sensor is for detecting PM2.5 and PM10 concentration uses laser testing principle, so make sure to prevent batting, hair, etc. from entering the detector to make sure the accuracy of the test data. It is advised to avoid using the detector in a humid environment to make sure the accuracy of test data.

    Applications: Home, office, in the car, outdoor and other environmental testing, School, Colleges, Monitoring in underground garages, Leak observing in filling plants.

  • Temtop M10i Wireless Air Quality Monitor

    Temtop M10i Wireless Air Quality Monitor


    Temtop M10i Wireless Air Quality Monitor is a portable top electrochemical sensor device that is best to use in the indoor environment such as homes, offices. M10i Air Quality Monitor is a very simple, unique cube design.

    Applications: Paint Booth, Confined Space Entry, Hazmat/Homeland Security, Industrial Hygiene and Confined Space, Airlines (wing-tank passage), Landfills, Oil and Gas, Chemical Plants, Hotels, Schools, Ambient Workplace, Indoor Air Quality Monitoring, Hospitals.

  • Portable Indoor Air Quality Monitor

    Rotronic CP11 Portable Indoor Air Quality Monitor


    Rotronic CP11 Portable Indoor Air Quality Monitor assesses the nature of air with a combined measurement of CO2, humidity, and temperature. A high convergence of carbon dioxide can grow immediately when shut zones with insufficient ventilation are loaded up with individuals. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a drab and scentless gas that exists in the world’s environment and which is perilous in high fixations
    Applications:  Food Dry Zones,  HVAC, Museums, Warehouses, Stock Piles, Schools, Colleges, Monitoring in underground garages, libraries, and Leak observing in filling plants.

  • GSM Based Indoor Air Quality Monitor

    GSM Based Indoor Air Quality Monitor

    GSM Based Indoor Air Quality Monitor measures and displays the temperature, humidity & CO2 levels which are assisted by the best NDIR sensor and also this Air Quality Sensors provide the most accurate readings in Industrial conditions.
    Applications: IT Facilities & Buildings, Work Space Management, Warehouse, Hospitals, Food Industry, R&D Lab, Shopping Malls, Schools & Colleges.

  • Dwyer AQH-20 Indoor Air Quality Meter,Indoor Air Quality Monitor, Dwyer AQH-20

    Dwyer® AQH-20 Indoor Air Quality Meter


    Dwyer®AQH-20 Indoor Air Quality Meter is a 5 in 1 monitor which estimates the carbon dioxide level, air temperature, humidity, wet bulb temperature and dew point. Minimum, maximum, and average readings are easily accessible through the function buttons.

    Applications: Offices, Buildings, Mushroom farming, Hospitals, Smart Homes, Food Industry, etc.

  • PCE RCM-8

    PCE RCM-8 Air Quality Meter

    PCE RCM-8 Air Quality Meter is a multi-function particle counter that performs many measuring tasks. PCE Air Quality Meter can measure mass concentration, formaldehyde, and TVOC. The multi-function particle counter is specially designed for indoor measurement.
    Applications:Paint Booth, Confined Space Entry, Hazmat/Homeland Security, Industrial Hygiene and Confined Space, Airlines (wing-tank passage), Landfills, Oil and Gas, Chemical Plants, Hotels, Schools, Ambient Workplace, Indoor Air Quality Monitoring, Hospitals.

  • Airthings View Plus Indoor Air Quality Monitor

    Airthings View Plus Radon Air Quality Monitor

    Airthings View Plus Radon Air Quality Monitor is an advanced indoor air quality monitor which is battery operated Air Quality Monitor that keeps your family safe from hazardous air pollutants like Radon, Particulate matter (PM), carbon dioxide (CO2), humidity, temperature, airborne chemicals (VOCs) and air pressure. This Radon Air Quality monitor is battery-operated, wireless, and Wifi Connected, and Includes a customizable display. Users can see the insights and download reports with the help of an Online Dashboard and (IOS/Android) Application.
    Applications: Paint Booth, Confined Space Entry, Hazmat/Homeland Security, Industrial Hygiene and Confined Space, Airlines (wing-tank passage), Landfills, Oil and Gas, Chemical Plants, Hotels, Schools, Ambient Workplace, Indoor Air Quality Monitoring, Hospitals.

  • PCE-RCM 10 Air Quality Particle Counting Meter

    PCE-RCM 10 Air Quality Particle Counting Meter

    Air Quality Particle Counting Meter PCE-RCM 10 is an efficient detector, which is integrated with PM2.5, PM10, temperature, and humidity detection function. The device has adopted a laser scattering weight test method, professional structure design, good fan, and advanced particulate matter algorithm, which can detect the PM2.5&PM10 accurately and sensitively.  The operation is very simple. There is a high-capacity rechargeable lithium battery inside, it is very convenient to carry so that you can check air quality from time to time.

    Applications: IAQ investigation, data center cleaning,  schools, colleges, Universities, AirPort, Cleanroom/operating room monitoring, filter testing, IT Facilities, Software Parks,

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