• Kimo TH 110 Humidity and Temperature Sensor

    Kimo TH 110 Humidity and Temperature Sensor is a reliable and accurate humidity and temperature sensor that can be used in a wide range of applications. It is easy to use and install, and it provides valuable data for monitoring and controlling environmental conditions.

    Applications: HVAC systems, Data centers, Industrial environments, Greenhouses, Laboratories, Museums, Homes and offices, etc.

  • 94,344.00104,970.00

    Optex SA-80T2A Non Contact Infrared Temperature Transmitter


    Optex SA-80T2A Non Contact Infrared Temperature Transmitter detects and converts the amount of infrared energy into a temperature value. Because the method is non-contact, it enables quick and easy measurement of the target temperature from a safe distance. It converts the temperature measured to an analog 4-20mA Output Signal.

    Applications: Air economizers, Outdoor temperature and relative humidity reference, Pool room humidity monitoring.

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