• Ace AI-DBC Dry Block Temperature Calibrator

    Ace AI-DBC Dry Block Temperature Calibrator is the compact solution for precise temperature calibration across a range of 50 to 350 degrees. Engineered with cutting-edge technology, this calibrator is designed to meet the demands of industries where accuracy is paramount.

    Applications: Laboratory Instruments Calibration, Industrial Process Control, Manufacturing Industries, Research and Development, etc.

  • 3,779.66

    Tashika TB1050 Non Contact IR Thermometer


    Tashika TB1050 Non-Contact IR Thermometer is used to measure temperature in applications where conventional sensors cannot be employed. particularly, when dealing with moving objects or places where non-contact measurement is required because of hazardous reasons such as high voltage, high temperatures and places where the temperature is too high for thermocouples or other contact sensors.

    Applications: Rollers, Moving machinery, Conveyor belt.

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