• 12,091.11

    Autonics PID Temperature Controller


    Autonics PID Temperature Controller is an economical temperature controller having dual preset indicator displays to increase user convenience. The Temperature Controller is also available in low voltage models for wider user options.
    Applications: Temperatures indication, Plastics molding/extrusion temperature monitoring, Heat treatment – furnace temperature monitoring, Chillers, Water heating boilers, Oven Control, Pressure/ Level/ Flow Monitoring.

  • 15,169.49

    Telaire T8700 / T8700-D Humidity and Temperature Transmitters


    TTelaire T8700/T8700-D humidity and temperature transmitters use a rough capacitive sensor that gives full-scale 0-100% RH estimation with phenomenal reaction times, linearity, and steadiness.

    Applications: HVAC control applications

  • 15,932.20

    UNI-T A25M Portable PM 2.5 Air Quality Monitor


    UNI-T A25M Portable PM 2.5 Air Quality Monitor is an air quality meter used to quantify PM2.5 fixation. PM2.5 fixations are utilized to show distinctive emojis on a screen to enable clients to picture their ecological conditions. UNI-T A25M Monitor arrangement can be utilized in many applications some of which are given below.

    Applications: Homes, Research centers, Cars, Workplaces, Schools, Processing plants, Gathering rooms, Airplane terminals, Healing centers, Eateries, Research and Education.

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