• 1,702.12

    Meco 27T-Auto Digital AC Clamp Meter


    Meco 27 Auto Digital Clamp Meter is used to measure AC Voltage, DC Voltage, AC Current, Temperature and Resistance with long working life because of the durable material that has been used in its manufacturing and the smart design which sees that it goes through a very little wear and tear.

    Applications: Laboratories and Industrial Applications, Calibration Services,

  • 3,779.66

    Tashika TB1050 Non Contact IR Thermometer


    Tashika TB1050 Non-Contact IR Thermometer is used to measure temperature in applications where conventional sensors cannot be employed. particularly, when dealing with moving objects or places where non-contact measurement is required because of hazardous reasons such as high voltage, high temperatures and places where the temperature is too high for thermocouples or other contact sensors.

    Applications: Rollers, Moving machinery, Conveyor belt.

  • Tempmate®-RT SMS Alert Thermometer (Discontinued Model, Contact Store for another model)


    Tempmate®-RT SMS Alert Thermometer is a technically advanced product based on GSM technology. It revolutionizes traditional cold storage management, which is based on the vigilance of an overseer and can effectively prevent the economic losses that can occur due to device faults or human error. It combines easy installation, easy operation, and a high degree of reliability. The device is widely used in the food and medicine industries, as well as other sectors. It meets the requirements for HACCP certification.
    Applications: Food and Medicine Industries, Cold storage management, Chemical and Biomedical HACCP controlling, Industrial, life science.

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