• Placeholder

    Temtop TemLog W1 Intelligent Wifi Temperature Data Logger


    Temtop TemLog W1 Intelligent Wifi temperature data logger is a high-tech product based on networking technology and cold watch safety monitor of temperature. TemLog W1 can transmit data by Wi-Fi to our cold-chain cloud platform. Users can view, manage and monitor data online remotely by the browser or smartphone APP. It also has functions of alarm reminders via the platform and buzzer.

    Applications: Widely used in foodstuffs, catering, logistics and industries that require HACCP system certification.

  • Air Quality Monitor

    UNI-T A25M Portable PM 2.5 Air Quality Monitor


    UNI-T A25M Portable PM 2.5 Air Quality Monitor is an air quality meter used to quantify PM2.5 fixation. PM2.5 fixations are utilized to show distinctive emojis on a screen to enable clients to picture their ecological conditions. UNI-T A25M Monitor arrangement can be utilized in many applications some of which are given below.

    Applications: Homes, Research centers, Cars, Workplaces, Schools, Processing plants, Gathering rooms, Airplane terminals, Healing centers, Eateries, Research and Education.

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