• Aerosense AVT Air Velocity Transmitter

    Aerosense AVT Air Velocity Transmitter


    Aerosense AVT Air Velocity Transmitter is a blend air speed and temperature transmitter appropriate for estimation in HVAC Duct applications with a flexible neckline rib for simple mounting. With effortlessly configurable yields for both temperature and dampness utilizing jumper settings, it makes air speed and stream estimations a breeze.
    Applications: Exhaust stack wind current checking, Ducts, Clean room natural air supply, HVAC air speed estimations, Fan supply, Air Control in drying forms other applications include biological safety cabinets.

  • Air Quality Monitor

    UNI-T A25M Portable PM 2.5 Air Quality Monitor


    UNI-T A25M Portable PM 2.5 Air Quality Monitor is an air quality meter used to quantify PM2.5 fixation. PM2.5 fixations are utilized to show distinctive emojis on a screen to enable clients to picture their ecological conditions. UNI-T A25M Monitor arrangement can be utilized in many applications some of which are given below.

    Applications: Homes, Research centers, Cars, Workplaces, Schools, Processing plants, Gathering rooms, Airplane terminals, Healing centers, Eateries, Research and Education.

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