• Autonics PID Temperature Controller

    Autonics PID Temperature Controller


    Autonics PID Temperature Controller is an economical temperature controller having dual preset indicator displays to increase user convenience. The Temperature Controller is also available in low voltage models for wider user options.
    Applications: Temperatures indication, Plastics molding/extrusion temperature monitoring, Heat treatment – furnace temperature monitoring, Chillers, Water heating boilers, Oven Control, Pressure/ Level/ Flow Monitoring.

  • Placeholder

    Tashika TB1050 Non Contact IR Thermometer


    Tashika TB1050 Non-Contact IR Thermometer is used to measure temperature in applications where conventional sensors cannot be employed. particularly, when dealing with moving objects or places where non-contact measurement is required because of hazardous reasons such as high voltage, high temperatures and places where the temperature is too high for thermocouples or other contact sensors.

    Applications: Rollers, Moving machinery, Conveyor belt.


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